Now that was a great way to start our season! How about 156 Personal Records! I love it!
Here are the meet results with the whole story:
Meet Scores-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v2
Meet Results-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v2
Individual Results-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-SST-v2
Individual Results-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-SFH
Qualifiers-2022 VISAA State Championship-Dec4,21
Meet Results-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-04Dec2021-003 (Coaches Only)
Relive the meet with a recording of the livestream which is posted under Videos on the About menu: Videos – Seton Swimming