On Tuesday evening, December 12th, we will take our top swimmers, including our “A” (and possibly “B”) Relays to compete in the Hurd Athletic Center at the Madeira School in McLean, Virginia for their Winter Extravaganza Meet.
We will be competing with St. Alban’s (boys), National Cathedral (girls), Potomac, Madeira, and Woodberry Forest. Diving warm-ups are from 2:30 to 2:55 p.m. with the Diving competition starting at 3:00 p.m.
Our swimming warm-up is at 4:20 p.m. with the swimming competition starting at 5:10 p.m.
Here is the full Meet Announcement and our draft entries:
Meet Announcement-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23
Meet Program-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23-v2
Timeline-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23
SST Entries-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23-by name-v2
SST Entries-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23-by event-v2
Updated Boys Relays-Madeira Winter Extravaganza-Dec12,23-by event-v3
Mrs. Condon is working on logistics. Here is a link to a Google Doc where she is adding details.
Six (6) Divers need to leave after 5th period and 26 Swimmers (that aren’t also Divers) need to leave after 7th period. I will have the Seton bus for the Boys’ Swim team. We will need rides for the six (6) divers and the 13 female swimmers. More information coming soon in the Google Doc, above.
This is an experimental Meet for us. We have not participated in a weekday meet for more than two (2) decades, but I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to compete against such a high level of competition. After the experience, we will determine if we participate in Meets like this in the future.