Here is the Meet Announcement for our 1st annual Virginia Christian Athletic Conference Championship Meet at the Fitch Warrenton Aquatic and Recreation Facility (WARF) on Saturday, February 12, 2022, with first warm-up at 6:00 p.m. Seton swimmers, please be on deck ready to stretch at 5:39 p.m.
Because the WARF does not have diving boards, we already hosted the Diving portion of the competition at the Freedom Center on Friday night, February 4th. Results are posted in the Meet Results section of this web site.
Here are the Meet announcement, Psych Sheet, School list, and Timeline for the Meet. It looks like the Boy’s meet could be a three-way dead heat!
VCAC Conference Championship – Meet Announcement-Feb12,22-v8
Meet Events-2022 VCAC Championship Meet-11Feb2022-001
Meet Program-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22
Psych Sheet-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22
Schools-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22
Meet Timeline-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22
With the awards, it looks like the meet will go until about 10:00 p.m.
Here are Seton’s Individual entries:
SST Entries-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22-by event
SST Entries-VCAC Conference Championship-Feb12,22-by name
I took the time to go back to the last twenty years of history for the DAC Championship Meet and the VISAA Division II Invitational Championship to find the fastest times swum by a team that stayed in the new conference. I used that information to recreate our conference records going forward with only swimmers from Trinity Christian, Fredericksburg Christian, and Seton. I look forward to seeing some of these records broken this season.
In fact, two (2) of those records were already broken in the 2022 VISAA Division II Invitational. Here are the latest records plus the backup information from the last twenty (20) years to show from where I got them:
VCAC Records-SCY-May26,21-backup info