As I previously announced, we have both “A” and “B” Relays qualified for States for all Boys and Girls Relays, so the only question remaining is, “Who is swimming on which relays at States?”
Here is how I will determine who will swim on our relays at States:
- To be qualified as a potential swimmer on the relay, you must have swum a relay that hit the qualifying time during the current season.
- With the ability to enter only one “A” and one “B” Relay per event, we are only able to enter 8 total swimmers per relay event.
- In some events, we have as many as 12 swimmers qualified.
- So being qualified, doesn’t necessarily mean you will swim
- The fastest times will swim.
- When considering who has the fastest times, I am considering both flat starts and relay splits.
- Because we will be lining up the most competitive team possible at States, any swimmer who has earned a spot on all three (3) relays will be swimming all three (3) relays.
- Very few, if any, of our swimmers will be capable of scoring individually in the Top 16 at States. This is especially true with Mairead gone.
- The most realistic way for us to score points is with the relays, where we can get into the Top 16.
- This is not over, even once we make it to the actual State Championship Meet.
- I will be considering splits at DAC Champs this coming weekend.
- I will also be considering splits swum in the Preliminary sessions at States.
- If a relay qualifies for the Finals, I will swim the fastest four (4) splits for the season, including splits swum in the Preliminary sessions.
One other note: We have traditionally allowed seniors to join us at States with their parent’s guidance, even if they are not swimming.
Here is my tracking spreadsheet for the fastest splits among the boys. I’ve highlighted in gray who will swim:
Relay Splits -’19-’20-Boys-thru Feb8,20
Here is my tracking spreadsheet for the fastest splits among the girls. I’ve highlighted in gray who will swim:
Relay Splits-’19-’20-Girls-thru Feb8,20
We also have some individual qualifiers for States. Here is the State Championship Eligibility Report. Note that Event #101 and #102 is a Bonus event only for swimmers who have qualified for the meet in any other event, including relays:
VISAA State Champs 2020-Meet Qualifiers thru Feb8,20-annotated
If you are new to the list:
- Please see information on logistics and hotels under Meet Information/VISAA State Championship 2020.
- You must get your hotel rooms by tomorrow (Monday, Feb 3rd) is you want the group rate.
- Please make sure I know the following things as soon as possible:
- Can you come to the meet?
- What is your rugby shirt size if you don’t already have one?
- Do you have a parent attending with you?
- If not, which adult (not named Koehr) is responsible for you on the trip?
Two more days of practice!
Coach Jim Koehr