The 2021 VISAA State Swimming and Diving Championship will be help virtually using times submitted with entries from a high school meet swum between November 1st and February 20th.
So we can use times from any point this season, but our team will focus on getting our best times to submit for the State Championship at the VISAA Division II Invitational on February 6th and DAC Champs on February 11th.
Here is the detailed Meet Announcement and the instructions for submitting videos for the Diving Competition:
VISAA Swim and Dive Meet Invitation 2021
VISAA Swim and Dive Meet Invitation 2021 – FAQs
VISAA Swim and Dive Meet Invitation 2021-Diving Instructions-v2
Here are Seton and Highland’s entries:
SST Entries-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021-by name
SST Entries-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021-by event
HL Entries-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021-by name
HL Entries-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021-by event
And here are the analyses that I did to produce those entries. Looking at VISAA results posted on SwimCloud, I made three assumptions that I know are probably false:
- That every swimmer will swim two (2) individual events, when I know some will swim three (3) relays and one (1) individual event.
- That every team has reported all of their times. Looking at some of the State meet entries on SwimCloud now, I can already see that some of the top schools in the State failed to report.
- That every coach is a “rational actor” and will make the best possible entries for their teams.
SwimCloud Pre-Meet Scoring Analysis-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021
SST Relay Entry Analysis-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021
Meet Diving Entries-VISAA Swim and Dive Championship 2021-by name
Looks like a major chess match to me. Well done. Cool that four of six relays are actual and not custom times. Doubtful any other coaches put this much effort. “Well swum.”
Thank you Kimberly. I wish we could have had the kids in the water. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been this close.