In order to be allowed to swim at the Freedom Center, we have agreed to follow their policies on COVID. It will not always be an easy or convenient thing, but since the alternative is to not swim at all, we are going to do what we have to – no matter what we think about the necessity of these procedures.
If we want to swim, we need to follow the Freedom Center’s procedures or just not swim at all – and we all want to swim.
- We will enter the facility from the door that leads into the leisure pool.
- Do not enter through the front lobby.
- We will all be wearing a mask with swimsuits on under our clothes when we enter the facility
- The team will provide gaiter-style masks as part of the team uniform for this season
- Once inside the door, Mrs. Kimberly Dalrymple and the Team Managers will do a quick screening process that includes a temperature check.
- Each swimmer will immediately proceed to one of four (4) bleacher sections to which they have been assigned (see Practice Lane Assignments at the end of the Team Roster,
- While in the bleachers, each group will complete a brief set of dryland exercises focused on stretching and warm-up. These exercises will be led by two Captains assigned to each group.
- After dryland, each swimmer will leave their clothes and bags in their assigned bleacher section and proceed to their assigned lanes with only their mask, swimsuit, swim cap, google and a towel.
- The plan is to get into the water by 6:20 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays (plus Wednesdays and Fridays for Diving) and by 6:35 a.m. on Mondays – as soon as NCAP exits the water.
- Masks will not be removed until immediately before entering the water.
- Swimmers should wrap their mask around their towel so it can be readily identified when they exit the pool.
- We will practice in fourteen lanes.
- Practice groups will have two coaches so that we can start each set with half the group at each end of the pool
- At the conclusion of practice, all swimmers will return to the bleachers with the maximum social distancing.
- With masks on and our swim bags in hand, they will put on warm clothes over our swimsuits and exit the building through the same door we entered by the leisure pool
- One restroom will be available in the hallway for emergency use only
- To get to the restroom, exit through the pool door by the drinking fountain and return through the hallway outside the locker rooms.
- Please use the restroom before practice.
- Team members are all assigned to a Manassas-area Host Home and driver so that everyone has a place to clean up before school.
- You can find your dryland group and swim lane assignments at
- Teams will enter the pool by the leisure pool and perform the screening process just like we do for practice
- With masks on, each team will proceed as a group to their team area, which will be substantially larger than normal to accommodate social distancing.
- Seton will be on the bleacher side of the pool, taking up the entire length of the pool
- The limited number of other teams will have large team areas on the far side of the pool
- Whenever swimmers are not in the water, including when they are waiting to swim behind the blocks, they will be wearing their masks.
- As with practice, locker rooms will not be available except for emergencies.