Below is the Meet Announcement for our Seton Icebreaker Invitational Meet at the Freedom Center on Saturday, December 4, 2021. Please read it carefully because there are a number of things that are different from our recent practice.
It is a privilege for Seton to be able to host this meet, but in order to maintain that privilege, all participating teams must be very diligent about wearing masks when outside of the water. Fortunately, most of the other COVID policies have been relaxed, including social distancing requirements. And even better, the locker rooms are open!
We will allow spectators inside the Freedom Center bleacher area on a trial basis.
- Masks are required for all spectators per George Mason University policy.
- If you object to wearing a mask, as many people do, then please just watch the meet on the livestream.
- Please do not force me, as the Meet Host, to become a mask policeman.
- I have no interest in that.
- If a spectator is seen without a mask, I will simply identify the school from which that spectator came and inform that coach that their none of their parents will be allowed into the meet again.
- This will apply to Seton parents as well.
- We cannot allow a spectator to risk our ability to host meets
- The meet will be streamed live on the Seton Swimming Highlights YouTube channel at:
Seton Divers should be on deck ready to stretch at 11:09 a.m. Seton Swimmers should be stretching at 12:39 p.m.
The attachments below contain everything you need to know about the Meet, including the Meet Program (heat and lane assignments).
Meet Announcement-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v6 – Note the change in warm-up times with Fresta Valley no longer coming.
Meet Events-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-04Dec2021-001 (Coaches Only)
Meet Timeline – Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v2
Schools-Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21
Psych Sheet – Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21
Meet Program – Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v2
Diving Meet Program – Seton Icebreaker Invitational-Dec4,21-v2
Below is our final entries for the Seton and the Seton Family Homeschool Teams, including all of the relays (which had some changes as of Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m.).
Remember that my philosophy for entries during the month of December is to get kids in the maximum number of different events I can. It is impossible to do for everyone, but I try to get as many kids as possible to swim all eight (8) individual events during the season. For the new swimmers, you can pretty much count on 100 Free this week, 100 Back next week, and 100 Breaststroke or Butterfly the week after, which should line up nicely with the stroke progressions we are doing in practice.
meet entries-seton icebreaker invitational-dec4,21-by event-v4
meet entries-seton icebreaker invitational-dec4,21-by name-v4