The Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA) State Swimming and Diving Championship is Friday and Saturday, February 18-19, 2022, at the Claude Moore Recreation and Community Center, 46105 Loudoun Park Ln, Sterling, VA 20164. For this meet, competitors must hit a qualifying time to compete in either an individual event or in a relay.
The Diving competition venue has changed from Dulles South to Cub Run Recreation Center at 4630 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly, VA 20151. Girls compete on Friday between swimming sessions and the Boys compete on Saturday between swimming sessions. See below for more information.
The Team is now set. Congratulations to Michael McGrath for making it onto the team at the very last meet of the season:
The weekend will start with a Thursday, February 17th team breakfast at IHOP in Manassas Mall at 6:55 a.m. followed by a 4:00-4:30 p.m. warm-up at the Aquatic Center. The weekend will end Saturday night at Finals with a team celebration dinner.
On Friday morning, we will be warming up from 7:45 to 8:10 a.m. with Prelims starting at 9:25 a.m. On Saturday, our warm-up will be from 8:00 to 8:25 a.m. and Prelims starting at 8:55 a.m.
I’ve have been unable to rent an AirBnB house as our team headquarters. I thought I had one, but they became uncomfortable with the size of our group. Since the meet is reasonably close to Manassas, I am hoping to spread the load of hosting the team. I’m looking for four (4) families willing to host the team for the following events:
- Thursday night Pasta Dinner – Gibbons Family
- Friday afternoon lunch and fellowship between sessions – O’Malley Family Home, Mrs. Luevano handling food.
- Saturday afternoon lunch and fellowship between sessions – O’Malley Family Home, need a food coordinator
- Saturday night post-meet celebration – Columbus Grill
The Woodberry Forest School Production Network (WFSPN) will be providing a commentated, live stream of the entire swimming portion of the meet this year at
Because only Competitors, Coaches, and Volunteers are allowed on deck, Seniors who are not on the State Team will be invited to participate in our Thursday night Pasta Dinner and our Saturday night post-meet celebration. We will also have our annual Senior Dinner at a time and place TBD.
We have been asked to provide some more volunteers, so I will have slots for eight (8) more parents to be on deck for at least part of the meet. Let me know if you are interested. If I have more interest than positions, parents of seniors will have priority.
- Scoring and CTS – Bill Dealey and Hank Konstanty
- Pool Entrance to Check Credentials for Friday Prelims – Alexandra Luevano plus Matt Testani
- Pool Entrance to Check Credentials for Saturday Finals – Katie Condon plus Matt Testani
- Timers in Lane 5 for Friday Preliminaries – Claire Nguyen plus David Wilson
- Timers in Lane 5 for Saturday Preliminaries – Terry Flynn plus Michael Bingham
Here are the Meet Announcement and a document on “Everything You Need to Know About States”. Between these two documents, you should have “everything you need to know”.
Everything you Need to Know About States 2022-v9
VISAA Swim Dive State Championship 2022 Meet Announcement
Meet Timeline-2022 VISAA State Championship-Feb18-19,22
VISAA Swim Dive State Championship 2022 Psych Sheet
VISAA Swim Dive State Championship 2022 Warmup Schedule
VISAA Swim Dive State Championship 2022 Team Areas
VISAA Swim Dive State Championship 2022 Timer Assignments
VISAA State Swimming and Diving Championship Qualifying Standards – ’21-’22 Season
Meet Records – VISAA State Champs 2021
Transportation Assistance: Claire Nguyen has graciously offered to use her 15-passenger van to provide shuttle services on:
- Thursday from Seton to the pool after 7th period and then back to the Gibbon’s house for our Pasta Dinner.
- Friday and Saturday between Claude Moore, the O’Malley’s, Cub Run, and Manassas.
If you are interested in taking advantage of her assistance, please contact her directly.
Here are our entries for States. I submitted them on Sunday (February 13th). We have an “A” and “B” Relay qualified for every relay event, and I have several of our top swimmers swimming on all three (3) relays. (Remember that you have to be 8th grade or above to participate):
SST Entries-2022 VISAA State Championship-Feb13,22-by event-v7
SST Entries-2022 VISAA State Championship-Feb13,22-by event-v7-from SwimCloud
SST Entries-2022 VISAA State Championship-Feb13,22-by name-v7
SST Entries-2022 VISAA State Championship-Feb13,22-by name-v7-from SwimCloud
Qualifiers-2022 VISAA State Championship-Relays-Feb13,22-Individuals
Qualifiers-2022 VISAA State Championship-Relays-Feb13,22-200 Medley
Qualifiers-2022 VISAA State Championship-Relays-Feb13,22-200 Free
Qualifiers-2022 VISAA State Championship-Relays-Feb13,22-400 Free
Top 100 Free Splits thru Feb13,22
Top 100 Free Flat Start thru Feb13,22
Top 50 Free Splits thru Feb13,22
Top 50 Free Flat Start thru Feb5,22
Top 50 Back Splits thru Feb13,22
Top 50 Breast Splits thru Feb13,22
Top 50 Fly Splits thru Feb13,22
Here are the Dive Sheets for all of our Divers:
Here’s the Thursday night warm-up schedule:
Here is a link to the SwimCloud Page with all of the latest information on the VISAA State Champs: VISAA Swimming & Diving State Championship (
The VISAA is selling custom VISAA State Swim & Dive Championship Meet apparel here.
We have received some important information about the Diving competition that is not included in the Meet Announcement. Some of the key notices:
- Spectators are allowed for Diving!
- The competition venue has changed from Dulles South to Cub Run Recreation Center at 4630 Stonecroft Blvd, Chantilly, VA 20151.
- Here is the schedule:
- Open warm-up for Boys and Girls at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, February 18th
- At Noon on Friday, the Boards will switch over to Girls for warm-up prior to their 1:00 p.m. competition
- The Boys will compete on Saturday, February 19th with warm-up at 1:00 p.m. and the competition starting at 2:00 p.m.
- Here’s the complete update from Diving Meet host Coach Andy Pratt of St. Paul VI:
Latest Information on Diving State Meet from Coach Andy Pratt-Jan26,22
Entries-2023 VISAA States-Feb17-18,23-as of Jan29,23-by name-v3-DRAFT
Entries-2023 VISAA States-Feb17-18,23-as of Jan29,23-by event-v3-DRAFT